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the World of
Rare Bulbs!


A nursery specialized in rare and unusual bulbs and plants from all around the world, with a special focus on lily species and hybrids, arisaemas, and cardiocrinum. Nursery with a showgarden in Peroy, Switzerland. Can be visited upon appointment from March to November.



Best Sellers

Nerine bowdenii

Lilium regale

Arisaema sikokianum

Pontus Wallstén

Pontus Wallstén is the owner-operator of the nursery.  He is an expert and published author on the subject of lilies, with over two decades of experience in growing and nurturing rare plants species.

  C. giganteum    A. belladonna "Johannesburg"   Allium globemaster


Le jardin d'exposition est réouvert aux visites sur rendez-vous uniquement. 


Venez admirer les floraisons printanières records


Journées bulbes de printemps : 


du vendredi 5 avril au dimanche 7 avril de 11h à 15h30

ou du lundi 8 avril au dimanche 14 avril uniquement sur RDV.


Prolongé jusqu'au

dimanche 21 avril inclus

sur rdv uniquement



New stocks need a phytosanitary certificate when arriving from the UK (following brexit) and also from the USA and Japan. Swiss customs then charge a very high import tax on bulbs. 


Many bulbs and plants on the website have therefore had their prices raised or adjusted to cover extra costs.


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April 2024 - currently 176 unique plants and bulbs (and two books) for sale in the online shop! 84 different lilies currently available!

Nursery news and announcements
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Events and Open Days

Important dates and times for upcoming nursery events and information on local plant shows in Switzerland. Look forward to yearly Spring and Autumn bulb days and open days! 


Gallery of rare bulbs throughout the years


Browse Pontus Wallstén's complete gallery of rare bulb and plant photos taken throughout his years as a nurseryman (in botanical gardens around the world, his old and new show gardens and more). 


Publications and books


The most illustrated and one of the most complete guides on the lily species. A 252 page identification guidebook on the lilium species, with photographs of 113 of the 115 or so existing lilium species worldwide, as well as pictures of 69 different sp bulbs, for ID purposes. The book also contains extra chapters illustrating the rarer species not currently in cultivation, as well as articles and contributions from various lily growers from all around the world, on various aspects of lily growing or finding rare species in the wild. 

Payment methods


Twint, PayPal, Swish, bank transfert and cash on site. 


Payment details


IBAN UBS Nyon : CH07 0022 8228 5805 2940 J  

PayPal : to - please add 6% to total sum to cover PayPal fees.
Bank transfer : fees paid by sender.

TWINT : numero sur demande.

Swish : number upon request.


Site optimised for desktop, laptop

Photographs on this website have mostly been taken by Pontus Wallstén, however additional photographs have also been kindly contributed by the following photographers and botanists: Steve Garvie, Tony Willis, Göte Svanholm, Anita Wallstén, Rimmer De Vries, Gene Mirro, James Nikitine, Matt Buckingham, Sonia Holm, David Boufford, Chris Gardner and Alan Mitchell, as well as Wikimedia Commons opensource.

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