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Rhodophiala bifida

Rhodophiala bifida


Sometimes called "the miniature hippeastrum", from argentina and south america, this autumn bulb has, just as many zephyranthes, been nicknamed "rain lilly" because of its habit of flowering after late summer thunderstorms.

Dormant in summer. Prefers half shade, in a humus rich soil, but likes some moisture at the roots during the hottest months of summer, as well as some shade from the hottest summer sun.

Not totally hardy, especially as it leafs out in autumn and winter. Can be grown in pots, as long as these are at least 60cm's deep, as the bulbs will dig themselves deeper down into the ground, to find their own optimum depth.It has grown here in the ground however quite sucesfully ffor some years, protected with a thick cover of pine needles and an insulating cloth in winter.

NOTE : December 2011, again, this is now in its 2nd winter outside, unprotected in pots, and has been frosted already a few times with no harm. I may have a more hardy strain here, but would consider these hardy to at least -6°c and more, in the ground, with a covering mulch of dry leaves or pine needles in winter

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